We’re honored with these top-level experts in the Glimp-network! They help us to make breathing content and stay up to date with the newest techniques. Don’t be surprised to hear back their voices in the Glimp-app!
Dankzij deze feedback van de tools kan ik mijn B-Mind ademhaling nu perfect oefenen."
Jerome Wehrens
Looking for professional guidances, while using Pebbles?
These coaches use Pebbles in their coaching!
Glimp is a trusted vitality partner for employers. Through these platforms, Pebbles are made available for employees. Check with your employer if Pebbles are an option within your vitality budget!
Immediate stress relief
Even a 5 minutes breathing exercise can help to reduce anxiety.
Mental health insights
Get a grip on your mental health and track your progress in the app.
Can be used with or without phone
The Pebbles can be used offline, anytime anywhere.