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Join Glimp's Coach Network

Do you want to help people with the healthy habit of conscious breathing? Then we share the same mission!

Coaches who love Pebbles

These coaches went before you!

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Join our network

How does coaching with the Pebbles look like?

Coachees sign up through Glimp’s network or through your own channels
During the intake, choose a breathing program (in the Glimp-app) that is right for your coachee
Your coachee gets the Pebbles at home, for in between the coaching sessions
Glimp’s coach dashboard, will help you to moniotr progress during the trajectory

Free network membership

Coaches are fundamental to our mission. Glimp needs you!

Here’s what we offer:

Get access to the coach dashboard

See the progress of your coachees in the dashboard. Their Glimp-account will be linked to your coaching practice in a save and secure way.

Go to dashboard

Get commission, give a discount

By joining our network, you are entitled to a 12,5% commission for every set of Pebbles that coachees purchase through you.

Find out more

Get promoted

Your name and logo will be mentioned on the Glimp website, social media, Glimp-app and during breathing events.

Join our network

Ever dreamed of launching your own app for your coaching practice? We can help!

Your own breathing content
in the Glimp-app

Breathing coaches within our network have the option to develop their own (branded) breathing program for in the Glimp app. Why?

Coachees can practice with a voice they trust
Full control of your own style and breathing techniques
Your own breathing program will attract more clients, through the Glimp-app
Coachees can practice with a voice they trust
Full control of your own style and breathing techniques
Your own breathing program will attract more clients, through the Glimp-app

Affiliate program

Become a Glimp ambassador

earn on every set of Pebbles sold


Discount for your clients


Commission on every sale


Access to coach dashboard for free

Our Network

Start your experience with Glimp

Sign-up for a trial month

Try the Pebbles* and the benefits from the Glimp Coach Network for 1 month. For a one-time fee of €29,-

Join the Glimp network automatically
You can also give the Pebbles to your clients
Keep the Pebbles afterwards with €29 discount

*Only for coaches

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