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These coaches went before you!
Coaches are fundamental to our mission. Glimp needs you!
Here’s what we offer:
See the progress of your coachees in the dashboard. Their Glimp-account will be linked to your coaching practice in a save and secure way.
By joining our network, you are entitled to a 12,5% commission for every set of Pebbles that coachees purchase through you.
Your name and logo will be mentioned on the Glimp website, social media, Glimp-app and during breathing events.
Ever dreamed of launching your own app for your coaching practice? We can help!
Breathing coaches within our network have the option to develop their own (branded) breathing program for in the Glimp app. Why?
Affiliate program
earn on every set of Pebbles sold
Discount for your clients
Commission on every sale
Access to coach dashboard for free
Our Network
Start your experience with Glimp
Try the Pebbles* and the benefits from the Glimp Coach Network for 1 month. For a one-time fee of €29,-
*Only for coaches